The shocking thing is that so many large organizations still waste the time to implement these things.
#Sonicwall mac address content filter mac#
MAC filtering is absolutely worthless since it is one of the easiest schemes to attack. Once the MAC address is seen in the clear, it takes about 10 seconds to cut-paste a legitimate MAC address in to the wireless Ethernet adapter settings and the whole scheme is defeated. A sniffer to a hacker is like a hammer to a carpenter except the sniffer is free. The MAC address is just a 12 digit long HEX number that can be viewed in clear text with a sniffer. The comparison to a wireless LAN here is that the name tag is the MAC address. Then when someone comes up to the door and wants entry, the security guard looks at the person's name tag and compares it to his list of names and determines whether to open the door or not.ĭo you see a problem here? All someone needs to do is watch an authorized person go in and forge a name tag with that person's name. MAC filtering: This is like handing a security guard a pad of paper with a list of names. If he wants on your network, it will not take him long.
#Sonicwall mac address content filter how to#
WEP is easily cracked with any number of free utilities available on the Internet and any beginning hacker knows how to clone a MAC Address. Using WEP and MAC Address Filtering, is way STRONGER than any WPA/WPA2 configuration, not using MAC Address Filtering. I know WEP isn't the best of the industry standards for wireless security, however, using WEP and MAC Address Filtering, is way STRONGER than any WPA/WPA2 configuration, not using MAC Address Filtering. In these cases WEP is a much better option. Many issues still exist with WPA/WPA2 WIFi security, sometimes preventing devices from connecting, even though they may support WPA/WPA2. If Apple has removed the ability to configure MAC Address Filtering, they have crushed the value of Apple's ENTIRE networking line.įYI: I feel the same way about WEP. Even without knowing anything about WEP or WPA, MAC Address Filtering, blocks the connection of any machine, whose MAC Address is not on the list. MAC Address Filtering is one of the easiest to use and most effective security tools.
MAC Address Filtering allows you to block all MAC Addresses from connecting, all the time, except for the MAC Addresses you add to the approval list. Timed Access Control, simply limits the times clients can connect. This isn't MAC Address Filtering, at all.